why choose mala gpr

get in touch with us

MALÅ is a well-known brand name under GuidelineGeo, provider of ground penetrating radar (GPR) solution, geo-electrical and electromagnetic surveys as well as near-surface seismic. Since 1923 and with extensive experience, delivered innovative and best-in-class radar sensors, software, services and support necessary to map and visualize the subsurface.

The MALA intuitive and user-friendly system is the most efficient GPR available in the market. With good reviews from our customers, MALA GPR is currently the best selling GPR in Malaysia.  

Ground Penetrating Radar

Check out MALA range of GPR available below.

Easy Locator CORE

MALÅ Easy Locator Core, the first intelligent real-time interpretation Ai support for utility locating.


EL WideRange HDR

A unique dual wide range antenna GPR solution, giving widest bandwidth available for utility detection on the market


Ground Explorer (GX)

GPR solution with a wide range of antenna options and measuring devices, offering exceptional range and resolution


MIRA Compact 3D GPR 

MALÅ 3D Imaging Radar Array (MIRA) is a high-speed, one-pass 3D GPR system for large-area GPR mapping.



Cost-effective 3D GPR array for mapping large areas to locate buried objects and artifacts. Used in utility locating, road surveys and bridge deck scanning


Professional Explorer (Pro-EX)

MALÅ Professional Explorer offers a flexible and versatile approach for GPR surveying, efficiently and in real-time.


MALA Geodrone 80

Airborne GPR solution for efficient field work, designed specifically for data collection in remote, hazardous and in-accessible areas.



MALÅ Concrete Explorer, for non-destructive investigation and imaging of concrete and other man-made structures.


GPR Accessories

MALA GPR rechargeable batteries pack, spares and accessories.


GPR Processing Software

Range of GPR imaging software designed for visualization, processing, analysis and interpretation of  GPR data acquired..