MALA Easy Locator with widest GPR antenna bandwidth
MALÅ Easy Locator Pro WideRange HDR, with the widest GPR antenna bandwidth available for utility detection on the market.
The effective bandwidth range of the antenna is 80-950 MHz. With ultra-fast simultaneous high-resolution data acquisition for both shallow and deep targets – all in one solution.
The MALA EL Pro WideRange HDR takes the surveys and deeper investigations to a literally ground-breaking new level.
Why MALA Easy Locator WideRange GPR?
User-friendly interface
Software engineers at Guideline Geo – MALÅ, have made their utmost to maintain the simplicity of the user-friendly interface – gaining easy access to the benefits of the new antenna. The high-resolution display will present the WideRange data with a movable horizontal divider at the center of the screen. By moving the divider (up or down) the user will be able to view more (or less) of the high resolution or deep penetrating data respectively.
New and easy to handle Pro Cart
The re-engineered EL Pro Cart has improved stability, folding mechanics, and a completely encapsulated- wheel axis mounted, encoder. The new battery compartment is completely mechanically re-designed, giving much smoother handling and more battery space.
Object Mapper 2.0 release (Optional software)
The MALÅ EL HDR WideRange is offered with the new release of Object Mapper 2.0, which is an easy-to-use and appreciated software for utility detection professionals. The new 2.0 version includes an improved and intuitive interface and support for online maps.
End-to-end solution for utility detection
MALÅ Easy Locators mean end-to-end solutions for effective utility detection. Robust, foldable GPR-systems with exceptional data collection capabilities, offering results within minutes, directly onsite. From simple to advanced, but still with quality and ease-of-use in common.